Saturday, July 11, 2009

I smell a cheater

So the leader for the Antarctica contest has somehow managed to gain almost 500 votes today, literally every time i hit refresh he has one more vote...even at 3am his i did some research, turns out he is a IT Programmer ...funny how that works, let's just say Quark Expeditions got a phone call from me this afternoon.

Please still vote for me! Currently 14 votes out of 5th place!


  1. Well, I voted two times for you.. once on my personal account and once on the school account. Good on ya, for alerting them about the cheater... no one likes a cheater.

  2. Thanks Mrs.Cruzan!! If you can, please help spread the word!

  3. You smell a cheater, I smell a sore loser.

    As Luis Monteiro friend, I can guarantee that he isn't cheating for the competition. All the votes he got are due to his work promoting his expedition among his friends and family, which I believe all the competitors are doing the same, including you.

    Before you accuse someone of cheating, you should get your facts straight.
